Category Archives: SIP

What Is the Purpose of Sip in VoIP

What Is the Purpose of Sip in VoIP

SIP, or Session Initiation Standard, is a signalling protocol that enables Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP). This SIP signalling protocol describes the messages transmitted between endpoints and aids in managing call elements. SIP supports voice calls, video conferencing, instant messaging, and media delivery. So, what is the purpose of SIP in VoIP? What Is the […]

How Does SIP Trunking Work?

How Does SIP Trunking Work

The Session Initiation Protocol, sometimes known as SIP trunking, is rapidly gaining traction in the Australian business scene. According to market statistics, the SIP trunking services market could grow significantly and become a key business sector in the coming years. So, how does SIP trunking work? The following information should help you understand how SIP […]

Is There a Difference Between SIP and VoIP?

Is There a Difference Between SIP and VoIP

When it comes to business communications and everything that encompasses, two terms you’re likely to hear a lot are SIP and VoIP. The acronyms might not be the most helpful when it comes to understanding the tech behind them, but what they actually do is very closely related. Is there a difference between SIP and […]

How Many SIP Trunks Do I Need?

How Many SIP Trunks Do I Need?

Making the switch from making calls using a traditional telephone line to using a SIP trunk phone system can have myriad benefits for businesses small and large. Phone bills are drastically reduced and many more communication options become available. But as with any new technology, business owners need to ask the right questions before committing […]

What is a SIP Device and Why Every Business Needs Them

What is a SIP device

Traditional phone lines are hit and miss when it comes to reliability. Trying to call people in areas with poor phone service can hinder deals, cause frustration and unnecessary delays. Now more than ever businesses are looking for a one stop shop when it comes to communicating. With the work from home revolution, video calling […]