Do You Need a Landline for NBN?

Do You Need a Landline for NBN?

Most Australians want NBN fibre internet because it’s fast and can easily handle a variety of digital services. Do you need a landline for  NBN? No, you don’t. Quite simply, you don’t need an active phone line to enjoy NBN internet services, unlike ADSL. If you’ve had an ADSL connection in the past, you’re surely […]

Is There a Difference Between SIP and VoIP?

Is There a Difference Between SIP and VoIP

When it comes to business communications and everything that encompasses, two terms you’re likely to hear a lot are SIP and VoIP. The acronyms might not be the most helpful when it comes to understanding the tech behind them, but what they actually do is very closely related. Is there a difference between SIP and […]

How Does the NBN Network Work?

How Does the NBN Network Work

The National Internet Network (NBN) is a government-funded project to improve Australia’s broadband infrastructure. This project will deliver speedier broadband access to Australian households. It will also significantly impact how people receive phone and internet services. How does the NBN network work? The following information will help. What Exactly is NBN in Australia? The national […]

How Many SIP Trunks Do I Need?

How Many SIP Trunks Do I Need?

Making the switch from making calls using a traditional telephone line to using a SIP trunk phone system can have myriad benefits for businesses small and large. Phone bills are drastically reduced and many more communication options become available. But as with any new technology, business owners need to ask the right questions before committing […]

What is Background Data Usage and Why Does It Matter?

What is Background Data Usage and Why Does It Matter?

Think you know how your phone uses your data? Think again. The way smartphones use data isn’t always obvious and there is a lot that happens behind the scenes. What is background data usage on your phone? How can you monitor or restrict how much data your phone uses in the background? Read on for […]

Does Weather Affect Fibre Internet?

Does Weather Affect Fibre Internet?

The speed and stability of any fibre internet connection can be affected by many different factors. Anything from the number of users in your building or area who access the internet at the same time, to the type of fibre connection you have. But the one variable you might not consider is the weather. Does […]

How Fast Is NBN and What Speed Is Best for Your Business

How Fast Is NBN and What Speed Is Best for Your Business

How fast is NBN, really? What options do business NBN providers offer and what’s the right speed for your business needs? There are a lot of variables when it comes to NBN and speed is probably the most important of them all. NBN speeds vary depending on what technologies you have access to and this […]

Office Phone Systems for Small Businesses

Office Phone Systems for Small Businesses

For any small business, the phone is still an integral part of the office. Despite the popularity of emails and video calls, speaking directly to a customer on the phone has many advantages. There are a number of office phone systems for small businesses on the market, with different capabilities and costs involved. Small businesses […]

NBN vs. Fibre: Which is Best?

NBN vs fibre

There is a fair amount of jargon to sift through when shopping for a fast, reliable internet connection. The much hyped NBN rollout is nearly complete, which has opened up access to stable, fast internet to premises and homes previously trapped in a world of slow speeds and unreliable connections. This huge project was much […]

How to Use VoIP on NBN

How to Use VoIP on NBN

Making the switch from calls using a traditional landline connection to one over VoIP is easier than it sounds. Having a landline phone number is still vital to many businesses, despite the rise of mobile. The emergence of fast internet and VoIP technology means better landline connections. It’s also a more cost effective way of […]